cosmetic acupuncture
Cosmetic AcuLift
Are you looking old and dull?
Want to look younger and
feel great?
"Cosmetic AcuLift"
is here for you
Cosmetic AcuLift specializes in rejuvenating the face and jowl line. This program is based on the fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine therefore focuses on treating the whole person from inside and out. Chinese medicine believes that the face is the reflection of person's internal state of body and mind health. It is important to address this internal causes of aging through body treatments, which is an essential part of this program. Along with focused face treatments, we also address external and environmental factors of aging.
Needles on the face create micro-trauma that promotes body's healing process in the face area. This process helps rebuild collagen and elastin cell matrix to reduce wrinkles and improve firmness of your skin all naturally. The results are beautiful radiant skin and natural looking improvement that will last for years.
And even if you are in the age group where you don't need much improvement, you can still benefit from this program by DELAYING aging process. You will stay beautiful for years to come. Remember - physical aging starts at age 26, and PREVENTION is the best medicine!

If you are interested in:
Reducing wrinkles
Firming your skin
Improving skin tone
Preventing sagging
minimizing crows feet
Then the Cosmetic AcuLift may be for you. Cosmetic Acupuncture is an exciting alternative to plastic surgery that can help 'turn back the clock'.